Are you ready to take your innovation to the next level? In this stage, you’ll be developing, experimenting, prototyping, and testing your idea to make a compelling business case.

During the experimentation phase, you’ll convert your idea into a draft or prototype and put it to the test. This crucial step will determine if your idea has the potential to be further developed or if you can gain valuable insights even if it’s ultimately abandoned. Check out the resources in the Invention section to guide you through testing and prototyping.

‘Making the case’ is where further advanced testing is considered and the potential for the idea alongside any further research to develop an evidence base for the potential quality, efficiency or economic benefits. These findings can subsequently be incorporated into a business case for future funding or a trial or implementation.

Resources to support innovation:

  • Step three of our creative problem-solving toolkit dives into developing a business case, demonstrating how ideas can be turned into action and value.
  • Looking to measure costs and benefits? Our guide to Economic Evaluation provides key concepts that will support your business case. Explore our comprehensive Evaluation Works online toolkit.
  • Join the West of England Innovation Exchange to connect with like-minded innovators, understand NHS challenges, and access a wide range of business services and funding opportunities.
  • Join over 2,500 learners on our free four-session course An introduction to Innovation in Healthcare. Developed in partnership with the University of Bath, this course will guide you through the innovation process in healthcare.
  • Are you a healthcare entrepreneur? The Health Innovation Programme (HIP) is your go-to business development course. Validate your business model and learn how to pitch your propositions to the NHS successfully. Discover inspiring case studies of innovations that have benefited from our HIP programme.

Click here to explore the next step in your innovation journey: improvement

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