Non-injectable arterial connecting systems to reduce bacterial contamination and the accidental administration of medication

What is the problem?

Arterial cannulation is when a tube is placed into the artery to monitor blood pressure and take blood samples. It is common in various critical care settings but can be associated with complications including bacterial contamination, blood loss, and accidental administration of medication into the artery rather than vein. Although rare, when wrong route drug administration occurs, it has the potential to cause serious damage to the vessel and surrounding tissue.

According to available evidence, what is the suggested solution?

Needle-Free Arterial Non-Injectable Connector (NIC)

The Non-Injectable Connector (NIC), developed at the Queen Elizabeth Hospital in King’s Lynn, helps avoid complications associated with arterial lines. Needle-free connectors prevent bacterial contamination and blood spillage. They use a one-way valve, therefore allowing the drawing of blood only and preventing accidental administration of medication into the artery.


The NIC has won a National Patient Safety and Care Award (2012) plus an innovation prize from the Association of Anaesthetists of Great Britain and Ireland (2015).

You can find out more about the product here.

Where can I find out more about implementation?

This product can be ordered directly from the supplier at no cost. NHS England will reimburse the supplier. Read the implementation pack here.


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